Arlington United Methodist Church

AUMC Ushers

Are you friendly, outgoing, and looking for a place to serve your church? If so, you might enjoy being an Usher during church services. In many ways Ushers are the “face” of the church, the first ones people see when they arrive and the last ones they see as they leave. Ushers can be regular, part time, or as needed. It depends on your schedule.

Usher duties include:

  • Greeting parishioners and visitors with a smile.
  • Distributing bulletins.
  • Assisting people with special needs.
  • Collecting the offering.
  • Helping with communion.
  • Assisting with special services like Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, etc.
  • Making sure the sanctuary is tidy after the service.

If you are interested in serving please:

Please provide your contact information.
Someone will respond to your interest.