Stephen Ministers are equipped to listen, walk along side of, and pray with those in time of need.
If you need someone to talk to, we are here to help. See below for more information on our Stephen Ministry.
Stephen Ministry Vision

The Stephen Ministry’s vision is to bring the love of Christ to those who are hurting, and to listen, pray and walk with the care receiver through their journey.
What does a Stephen Minister do?
Stephen Ministry is a lay care giving ministry that supplements pastoral care. The program teaches laypersons to provide one-on-one confidential care for individuals who request support. This confidential care-giver / care-receiver relationship, usually conducted by weekly visits, may continue for months or years. Some reasons for requesting a Stephen Minister’s visits are listed to the right.
Life challenges might include:
- Loss of loved one
- Terminal or chronic illness
- Divorce
- Issues involved with aging
- Miscarriage
- Disaster/Crisis
- Caregiving for others
- Spiritual confusion
- Hospitalization
- Long-term care
- Childbirth/new baby adjustment
- Loneliness
- Other life changes, problems, and trials
Would you like a Stephen Minister or do you know someone who needs a Stephen Minister? If so, contact the church office at (904) 743-1400 or E-mail office@arlington-umc.org. The church office will have a Steven Leader contact you.
Stephen Leaders are the lay leaders, church staff members, and pastors who are equipped to oversee Stephen Ministry in your congregation. Stephen Leaders have gifts and skills in areas such as leadership, teaching, and organizing people, along with a heart for caring ministry. Arlington United Methodist Church Leaders are:

Stephen Leader

Stephen Leader

Stephen Leader
The Importance of Confidentiality
Stephen Ministers keep personal information confidential. You can feel free to share with your Stephen Minister without worrying that others will know about it. There are rare occasions when a Stephen Minister must share confidential information in order to save a life. These include situations specific to suicide, homicide, or abuse.
Small Group Peer Supervision
Stephen Ministers meet twice a month in small groups to give and receive the peer supervision necessary to help provide quality care and grow as caregivers. In supervision, Stephen Ministers talk about their caring relationships and their own feelings about caregiving. They share small amounts of information about their care receivers, but they never tell the care receivers name and they do not share information that would reveal the care receiver’s identity. Stephen Ministers may also receive individual supervision from a Stephen Leader or the Pastor. The same confidentiality rules apply.
Professional Consultation
On rare occasions, a Stephen Minister, in consultation with a Stephen Leader or Pastor, may decide the best way to assist a care receiver is to consult with a mental health professional. In such cases, confidentiality is strictly maintained.
Stephen Minister Videos
To watch Stephen Minister videos go to the Stephen Ministries website. This address will take you to the Stephen Ministries headquarters website. Once on the site homepage pull down “Learn about Stephen Ministry” and select “Care Receivers Tell Their Stories.” You will find 5 brief videos as well as 6 downloadable stories from a variety of settings.
How to Apply to Become a Stephen Minister
Do people stop and tell you what’s going on in their lives? Do you feel a strong urge to care for people? Are you a good listener? Then the Holy Spirit might be leading you to become a Stephen Minister. For more information contact the church office, (904) 743-1400 or E-mail office@arlington-umc.org. The church office will have a Stephen Leader contact you.