Women in Faith
Women in Faith
The purpose of Women in Faith is to be a community of women who know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ who develop a creative supportive fellowship and who expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Women in Faith is comprised of a General Unit made up of four different circles. Unit meetings are designed to support the Purpose of Women in Faith with programs highlighting our missions.
Aldersgate Circle (Click here to view our page) is one of the four service groups of the Arlington Women in Faith. We are active, prayerful women who serve our church, our community, and the fund-raising events of the Women in Faith. We meet the second Monday of each month (excluding June July and August) at 7:00 p.m. in members’ homes. Our meetings consist of a devotion, sharing joys and concerns, a business meeting, a program, and time for food and fellowship. Our social events during the year include dinner at the Alhambra in May or June, a lunch or dinner out in August, and a Christmas party in December.
Daughters of Ruth meets the third Monday at 6:30 p.m. This group is a wonderful blend of Christian women in many diverse stages of life striving to enrich spirituality by learning and serving in a supportive environment.
Sunshine Circle meets the third Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in Wesley Hall. Sunshine Circle is a group of women who are ready and eager to answer the call when needed in the church and the community. They support the Arlington Community Center and other community projects have creative craft sessions for the annual Fall Festival.
All women are invited into membership of Women in Faith. Meeting times are listed in our church bulletin one week prior to the meetings. For locations call the church office (904) 743-1400.